Northern Valley’s In-House Veterinary Laboratory

veterinary-in-house-laboratory Northern Valley Animal Clinic’s veterinarians have found that the sooner they can diagnose an animal and begin treatment, the greater the results of that treatment. In order to have the most accurate and timely diagnosis possible, we have equipped our in-house laboratory to be able to run the most critical of veterinary lab tests.

Pet Infections and Organ Function

  • Complete blood chemistry (CBC)—This test can give our veterinarians an indication of the amount and types of blood cells present in the dog or cat’s body. These levels can show if a pet is fighting an infection and give an indication of the kind of infection, whether he or she is able to clot blood, whether there is enough hemoglobin for carrying oxygen, and can give an indication of different diseases.
  • Blood chemistry panel (BCP)—This test can be used to check the functioning of a variety of different organs in the pet’s body as well as the balance of electrolytes, proteins, or hormones.
  • Urine analysis—Checking a urine sample can give us an indication of how well a pet’s kidneys and bladder are functioning. It can also give an indication of infection, hydration, and the functioning of other organs such as the liver and pancreas.

Pet Parasite Screening

  • Heartworm screening—As its name implies, the heartworm infects the heart of the dog or cat and causes damage both to the heart and lungs of the pet. It is very costly and difficult to treat but very easy to prevent. We recommend yearly screening for heartworm and use of preventive medication.
  • Skin scrapings—Some pet skin conditions can be due to the presence of parasites such as mites. The skin scraping test allows our veterinarians to screen for these tiny parasites as well as for fungal infections and even skin cancer.
  • Fecal analysis—Checking a stool sample allows our veterinarians to screen for intestinal parasites, including intestinal worms and some types of protozoa. With regular screening and treatment, we can keep your pet free of these damaging parasites.

Pet Infectious Diseases

  • Tick-borne disease screening—With the high number of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses we see each year, checking for and protecting pets against these illnesses is a high priority for Northern Valley Animal Clinic. Our in-house lab can quickly diagnose these diseases, allowing for a quicker treatment to be enacted.
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)—This virus attacks a cat’s immune system, making them susceptible to illnesses that they would normally be able to fight off. The disease is highly contagious and there is no cure, but treatment can allow a cat to remain comfortable. Tracking the disease to prevent its spread is very important.
  • Feline leukemia—This disease also attacks a cat’s immune system and is highly contagious, but there is a vaccination to protect cats against feline leukemia. Cats need to first test negative for the disease and then they can be vaccinated.

Northern Valley Animal Clinic is committed to providing the diagnostic options to benefit your pet. If you have any questions about our in-house lab, please contact our helpful staff and veterinarians.

“I chose Northern Valley when I got my first pet due to the extended hours during the week and on Saturdays. That is very helpful considering I work full time. The vets and techs are fantastic. They know my pets by name and are familiar with their medical history even without their charts in hand. All staff are very sweet to my animals.” -M. Moeller